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Gradient Team

6 Video Marketing Content Ideas

Coming up with new creative video marketing ideas isn’t always easy, and that is why Gradient is here to help.

While video marketing is the most engaging and accessible type of content on the internet, generating enough content to maintain those marketing tactics is still a struggle for many.

If you happen to be in a content slump, here are 6 video marketing ideas for small businesses you can benefit from.

1. Announce Something Big
Does your company have exciting news to share? Instead of revealing it through a tweet, use short video content to announce the next big thing about your business and share it on social media.

This video content marketing idea allows you to create something unique, convey emotion to your audience, and build hype around your business.

2. Customer Testimonials
You should never underestimate the power of video testimonials. Having testimonials on your website is a great idea, but have you ever thought about interviewing your satisfied customers?

Video customer testimonials are more trustworthy than written ones and bring their story to life. This video marketing idea helps potential customers relate to the message and brings a more personal touch to testimonial content.

3. How-tos
Showing customers how to use a product or service rather than simply telling them how to use it is a fantastic marketing video idea. Get hands-on and create a video walk-through to demonstrate how it can help your customers.

Making instructional videos will help you share your expertise with those who are visual learners.

4. Expert Q&As
If you receive a lot of questions about your product or service, consider doing a Q&A livestream and posting that content. By answering repeated questions for your viewers, you’ll attract interested viewers and turn them into customers.

You can even track down influencers in your field and film a short Q&A on a specific topic. This video marketing idea will help build relationships with other leaders, and they may even promote your product or service for you!

5. Go Behind The Scenes
Who doesn't enjoy getting a behind-the-scenes look at how companies operate? Your viewers will feel like they are receiving something special and that they know something that others don't.

This video marketing content idea creates a stronger connection between you and your prospects while raising interest in your product or service.

6. Introduce The Team
An amazing creative video marketing idea is to introduce the team behind a brand. This is a great way to connect with your customers and build brand authority.

Each team member should introduce themselves and what they do before sharing a personal anecdote to help them interact with the audience.

With these video marketing ideas, creating useful and beneficial content has never been easier.

At Gradient, we believe in developing human connections that create a lasting impact so we can exceed our client's expectations.

Looking for some creative marketing help? See how Gradient can help.